Old Jack Frost made a run at the Tomato Stand this weekend. Friday and Saturday night brought clear, windless skies and temperatures in the mid-30's. It wasn't all bad, frost covered lawns offered great photo ops and the mosquito population was decimated. But the Tomato Tree Stand wasn't amused.
The good news? Since the tomatoes were elevated 4 - 5 feet above the ground, they were spared a truly devastating attack. The bad news? Given the tenuous nature of the stand, I was limited in how aggressively I could cover the remaining fruit.

It's been very busy around here, I'll be back cooking for you in a couple of days.
Your persistence with and dedication to this contraption are commendable. Had this graced my yard this summer, and failed as remarkably as it has, I would have wrenched the wretched thing out of existence. Thanks for doing a test-run for the rest of us, and thanks for writing about it. It's always good reading.
All in all, I would rather have ketchup.
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