Sooner or later we have to pay the piper.
Maybe it's a hangover, maybe it's a sunburn, but like the old saying goes, no good deed (or bad) goes unpunished.
It's April and time to start thinking about how we're going to be looking this summer. The projections aren't too good. After a quick inspection I realize I've slipped into the dreaded PP nieghborhood, Pale and Pudgy.
I'm not fat mind you, just a little too squishy here and there. It's nothing that buying and ignoring a few exercise videos won't cure. The pale part's a little tougher to ignore. It's gotten so bad for me that some guy Ahab has been stalking me for the last three weeks. During winter and spring in Michigan we revert to counting individual sun rays, forget anything approaching tanning.
Well it's still too soon to find any sun, and tanning booths remind me too much of human microwaves. So I'll attack what I can. Yes it's time to go on a diet. But don't worry it won't last; truth is, it may only last for this one recipe.
In the spirit of over-consumption, here's a recipe for barbecued whitefish. As many of you know there is a recommended limit on how many whitefish you're supposed to consume. Something about dioxins or mercury or uranium-238 in the flesh, I don't know. Normally if someone tells me there's a limit on how many you should eat , I just set the bar at 0 and everyone walks away happy. But whitefish is tasty and light, so let's take it easy and enjoy...
Barbecued Orange Whitefish
from all-seafood-recipes.com
2/3 cup orange juice
Zest of 1 orange, grated
6 TBSP Sherry
6 TBSP olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 TBSP prepared creole mustard (original recipe calls for 1 teaspoon)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
4 (6-ounce) whitefish fillets (tilapia or sole would make a good substitute)
Orange Wedges for garnish

Place the whitefish fillets in a single layer in a glass or other non-reactive pan.
Pour the marinade over the fish and refrigerate for 30 - 45 minutes.
While the fish is marinading preheat your grill or broiler over high heat.
Remove the filets and transfer the marinade to a medium size saucepan.
Bring the marinade to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a simmer and cook while the fish is grilling.
Cook the fish until opaque and flaky, about 4 - 5 minutes per 1/2 inch of thickness, (total cooking time), carefully turning the fish halfway through the cooking time.
Serve the fillets, drizzling with the simmered sauce and garnish with orange wedges.
OK crablings, that was pretty easy and very fast. No excuses, time to get ready for summer. I'm off to work up a sweat watching yoga DVD, until next time remember, you can do it, you can cook.
I love your remarks about what we "all do":
We drink too much. CHECK
We eat too much. CHECK
We stay up too late. No way, I am always in bed by 8:00 pm.
Moving on, your Barbecued Orange Whitefish (I will use sole) looks delicious.
It is on our weekly planned for next week.
DocChuck and wife, Dr. E.
Ouch, citrus is not really wine friendly. Citrus acid is not harmonius with the three common acids of wine;tannic,tan your hide acid, malic, green apple acid, and lactic, milk acid. Acetic acid, is vinegar and that is bad wine acid, so I don't count it.
There is a lovely low-acid wine from southern Italy called Falanghina. This grape produces a dry white wine with both floral and fruit flavors. It should help to enhance the flavors and not mess up the citrus acid. Expect to spend 15-20 a bottle for a nice one.
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